Lernwolf Englisch Present Progressive. You are going to the circus. Lernwolf de thomas meier torstensonstr.
We have not got we haven t got he has not got he hasn t got they have not got they haven t got it has not got it hasn t got put in the right form of have got. Weitere anspruchsvolle proben für das fach englisch nach schulbüchern geordnet findest du auf unserer partnerseite www catlux de. Englisch verneinung von have got has got write the short form.
Abby and her friend maya went go to a july party.
2 90431 nürnberg e mail info lernwolf de. Klett sicher im abi klausur training englisch 4. Tom and klara are learning for the english test. The pupils lesen a book every monday.